This wild, untamed, and insatiable beast has gone completely feral! Someone must have forgotten to lock the cage, and now he’s spinning at insane speeds, shredding steel, and creating absolute chaos—nothing can stop him!
Right now, he’s rampaging through forests, flipping deserts upside down, and even breaking the laws of physics!
No logic, no reason But there’s one way to calm … Music.
Strangely enough, as soon as you play any music, he instantly relaxes—
except for bagpipes. That horrible sound drives Tasmanian Devil absolutely insane!
He may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but his appetite is limitless! No cage, no trap, no master plan can ever hold Tasmanian Devil down forever!
A Devil’s Gotta Do What a Devil’s Gotta Do!
If it exists, Tasmanian Devil will try to eat it!